Iodinated Oil

  • n.碘化油
Iodinated OilIodinated Oil
  1. Progress in clinical application of iodinated oil as anti-cancer drug carrier


  2. Experiment Investigation for Iodinated Oil Nanometer Ferrofluid Retention in Rabbit Liver


  3. Experiment research of ZT glue postpone iodinated oil metabolism in liver


  4. Objective To study the ZT glue postpone iodinated oil metabolism in liver .


  5. Urinary iodine was affected by drug dose but not drug form after giving iodinated oil ;


  6. To delay the retention of 131I - iodinated oil in carcinoma target .


  7. Another 5 rabbits had been merely injected with 131 iodine iodinated oil as the control group .


  8. Serious allergic reactions after interventional therapy with iodinated oil and mitomycin : 2 case reports


  9. 131 iodine iodinated oil had been retained more proportion within right liver causing damage to liver tissue .


  10. Methods : 300 patients were studied according to the features of uterosalpingography with 40 % iodinated oil .


  11. Results ZT glue and iodinated oil mixed as 1:10 volume ratio or higher could coagulate completely within 30 min.


  12. Results Experimental 131 iodine iodinated oil slow group was higher in proportion than the control group , with delaying of effective half drained times .


  13. Objective To study the postop pathological change of the carcinoma of kidney after the morrhuate sodium iodinated oil arterial embolism treatment .


  14. Objective : To compare with the two methods of hysterosalpingography by 40 % iodinated oil and 76 % meglumine diatrizoate .


  15. Based on urinary iodine level if taking 0 . 2g iodinated oil orally , the duration of efficacy was not longer than one year , and if 0 . 1g , only half a year .


  16. At the same time we found some iodinated oil particles in the lungs in some rabbits . Conclusions : Lipiodol Ultra-fluid can pass through normal hepatic artery & hepatic vein communicating branchs to the lung of the rabbit , but can not induce pulmonary oil embolism .
